Measles case reported at a Montessori school in Prince Georges County, Maryland. 3/21/25

Measles case reported at a Montessori school in Prince Georges County, Maryland. 3/21/25
We already know that over-prescribing medicine causes waste and health problems.
But here’s something surprising: from 1995 to 2019, emissions from making and using medicines went up by 77%. That’s faster than most other industries and higher than the global average. Since 2008, improvements in efficiency have stopped.
In short, the way we use medicine is harming not just our health—but the planet too.
The results from a clinical trial at Washington University on an experimental drug used for slowing disease progress in Alzheimer's patients may also delay onset in people predisposed to the disease who are yet to show symptoms. @ScienceAlert reports:
Pregnant women and mothers with infants in the Gaza Strip are relying on health handbooks promoted by Japan for vital information on child care. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/03/21/japan/society/gaza-japan-backed-maternal-handbooks/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=mastodon #japan #society #pregnancy #aid #gaza #israelhamaswar #palestinians #health #children #women039sissues
Researchers have hit upon a discovery that appears to delay the symptoms of Alzheimer’s in some people genetically destined to get the disease in their 40s and 50s. “It’s still a study but it has given me an extension to my life that I never banked on having,” said Jake Heinrichs of New York City.
@AssociatedPress has more:
From @ScienceAlert: A newly developed system combining AI and robotics has been helping a paralyzed man turn his thoughts into mechanical arm movements — including clutching and releasing objects – with the system working for seven months without major readjustment.
I'm beginning to think that Agent Orange and everyone in his administration have a death wish...Or they are all just dumb as dirt.
RFK, Jr. Wants to Let Bird Flu Spread on Poultry Farms. Why Experts Are Concerned
Health secretary RFK, Jr. has repeatedly suggested that farmers should let bird flu spread through flocks. Experts explain why that’s a dangerous idea
#birdflu #poultryfarms #RFK #health #disease
Maria Margarita Rojas, 48, a certified nurse midwife, and Jose Ley, 29 and her employee, were charged with the illegal performance of an #abortion, as well as practicing medicine without a license. The abortion charge is a second-degree felony, which comes with up to 20 years in prison. https://www.texasobserver.org/texas-first-abortion-arrests-attorney-general-investigation/
Texas Tech
DATE: March 18, 2025
TO: Faculty, Staff & Students
FROM: Student Health Services
RE: Important Health Notice – Potential Measles Exposure
We are writing to inform you of a potential exposure to measles that occurred on the Texas Tech University campus in Lubbock, specifically at Carpenter/Wells complex, which features apartment-style housing
with no common spaces, and at the Student Health Services clinic,
between March 4-12, 2025.
If you were at these locations during this time, you may have been exposed to the virus. Individuals who are identified as having possible exposure will be contacted directly, including those in the affected residence hall and the health clinic."
busybee: fluffy rambles: Statuses https://beesbuzz.biz/blog/4643-Statuses #Bathroom #Vertigo #Health #Music #Blog
When Maria Branyas died in August 2024, she was 117 years and 168 days old – officially the world’s oldest living person at the time. So, how did she do it? A team from the Josep Carreras Leukemia Research Institute in Spain conducted a comprehensive analysis on everything from her genes to her proteins to her microbiome to her metabolism. @ScienceAlert shares what they found:
Some call it weed, for me it is one of my favorite wildflowers in spring - dandelions. I love the bright yellow flowers and the leaves are a delicious and healthy salad.
Spring meadow with dandelions watercolor:
Vaccination rates for preventable diseases, like polio or measles, sliding in Ohio kids' year-after-year since 2020.
#Health #Ohio #Vaccinations #Measles
#goodnews #Science #health #technology #surgery #transplants #Australia
Man Lives for 100 Days with Artificial Titanium Heart in Successful New Trial