Saturday March 15th, 2025
One day after an intense #LunarEclipse
#MercuryRetrograde starts,
highlighting communication and messaging.
Mercury stations retrograde in Aries
with the Moon opposite in Libra
Dynamic Aries brings the energy of action,
and finding the courage to move toward
lasting peace.
Details in this video
Yesterday I started a new project: a textile #scrollBook, something like an #artBook as a #scroll.
The photo shows my work to find a collage composition. When I'm satisfied with that sample, I'll fix the pieces with wild #embroidery. Later I'll "write" with #stitches. More info: alt text!
@fibrearts @fiberarts @embroidery
(Not only) in difficult times, I like children's TV. Not just to escape into funnier worlds. #Cartoons and #animatedFilms can show in a wonderfully soothing way what the kind of #society we wish can look like. And that it can be learnt.
#Cooperation and #sharing versus greed between diverse people: Volles Nest (full nest) (no language needed!) 1/2
We need to dramatically redefine what success and wealth looks like. It's not hoarding so much cash you could never spend it in 1000 years. It's not having the biggest or most glitzy anything.
It really isn't.
Having a blast making this. Idk what it is about primary colors that just scratches the best parts of my brain. The world is really scary right now but don’t let that keep you from taking time for yourself and doing things that make you happy. #crochet #fiberarts #primarycolours #selfcare #hobby #crafting #grannysquares
Sport / Bewegung:
Erledigungen montags zu Fuß
Treppe statt Aufzug
Does anyone #Knit or #Crochet or do any other types of #FiberArts ?
The day after.
Ein bisschen selfcare nach der #arbeit . Podcast #tatortgeschichte und #chillen mit #merlin . Merlin kommt übrigens aus Russland. Wir haben ihn dort aus dem #tierschutz. Die wollten ihn #einschläfern
... Weil er die falsche Farbe hat
#dogs #hund #chihuahua #MyDude #hundeliebe #selfcare #chihuahuasgegenRechts #tierschutz #Tiergeschichten #MeinbesterFreundMerlin
Müsli zum Frühstück
Weniger Industriezucker
wtl. Gemüsekiste
Salat Mittagessen montags
Gemüsesticks mittags Arbeit
Tgl. Obst
Gesunde Snacks
Mittagessen für dienstags (Idee: herzhafte Pfannkuchen mit unterschiedlichem Belag)
The Cognitive Load of It All, or the Response Matrix [US/pols, prepping, Ω] by @siderea
"As our country slides into catastrophe, part of what a lot of people are struggling with is the sheer overwhelm of all there is to deal with cognitively, so it might be helpful to have a high-level overview, on a meta-level, of what all there is, just to help grapple with it all. This is not a map, this is like the coordinate system that gets overlaid on an old-school paper map"
BIG HEMP continues to hype CBD extracts from fertilizer-ladden mechanized crops that carry heavy metals and toxins, as hemp is one heck of a bioaccumulator.
The clean and effective ancestral cannabic medicine is made from artisanal organic flower, and darn simple to prepare at home for many health conditions.
In the post linked I explain all the scientifically proven properties of cannabis tea made from dry "recreative" flower.
It produces little to no high, since its THCa and CBDa based (acidic raw versions of THC and CBD).
#medicalcannabis #healthcare #cannabismedicinal #cannabis
#cbd #thc #cbda #thca #weed
#marihuana #marijuana #health #cannabisscience #science
#ImmuneSystem #autoimmune #selfcare #neurodivergent #depression #chronicillness #chronicpain #pain #ptsd
#regenerativemedicine #solarpunk #naturephotography
#JorgeAlbanPhotos #ThickTrunkTuesday #slowart