It's #FollowFriday - With the current toxic political climate, I find myself looking for a break from the chaos and disorder.
Reach out if you're posting non-political content.
I'm a 40-ish y/o married dad in the Toronto area. I tell jokes and whine about being a homeowner. I also suffer from crippling depression which I self-medicate with memes and occasional art.
Chat soon!
Crazy day tomorrow. Pokémon Presents at 6 in the morning. #TMNT Black Ops event at 9 am. #MonsterHunterWilds launching at 9pm. I gotta squeeze work in there somewhere…
In September, I posted about taking the plunge to buy flavored toothpaste. I'd considered it before, but finally got fed up with the feeling of having to "brace" myself twice a day for an unsavory experience! Many folx responded with similar sentiments, their own recommendations, and I learned that many folx with #autism have discussed this as well!
Some suggestions that came up that might work for others included toothpastes with mint flavors that aren't as strong or children's toothpastes without fluoride (my dentist's criteria for me, I know fluoride is controversial). I ended up settling on Hello Toothpaste and bought the Orange Dreamsicle one to start. An odd flavor but the cheapest I could find for a single bottle that contained fluoride when comparing prices at drug stores. They also have plenty of non-fluoride flavors!
After using it for nearly 6 months, I'm happy to report that I have been delighted with my experience. The sweetness is temporary and eases into a neutral taste halfway through. Now that I'm starting to run low, I decided to buy more and the cheapest option I could find was a bundle of the three other fluoride flavors I hadn't tried yet. Hygiene can be hard and it's easier when it makes me happy :)
I made a phone call/Dr's appointment. Please clap. @actuallyautistic #ActuallyAutistic #Adulting
#Adulting service posts zum thema #Krankenkasse
ab dem 15. januar kommt die #ElektronischePatientenakte (kurz #ePA). bei @netzpolitik_feed
findet ihr einen hilfreichen pro/contra-artikel, ob ihr euch dafür oder dagegen entscheiden wollt (mein votum war dagegen):
auch die @aidshilfe_de [] hat ausführliche infos zusammengetragen:
Last day of holiday, gotta finish recharging my batteries today.
Adulting and then Steam Deck sounds like a great plan.
Uhm, adulting or bounty hunting in Elite Dangerous?
Might have to adult a few hours and then be a ferocious bounty hunter for the rest of the day. Sounds good
Me trying to get a bit of #gaming in on my last day off before I have to do some #adulting…
Me: #CallOfDuty #BlackOps6.
Cat: Feed me. And not that dried food crap that’s already in the bowl over there.
Me: Ev’ry day is #Caturday…
- Feeds cat and gets back to game.
- You’ve been kicked for inactivity.
- Joins new game.
Cat: Let me outside. I’m going to just sit here and stare at you until you do.
Me: Fine. #EveryDayIsCaturday.
- Gets up and lets cat out.
- You’ve been kicked for inactivity.
- Goddamit! >_<
- Joins new lobby.
Other Cat: I’m going to be difficult until you let me out. And when you open the door, I’ll squirm and claw until you set me down and I run out. But that’s the only way I’m getting out because I’ll just sit there at the end of the hall and stare out the door until you come to pick me up. Then I’ll just run off until you get frustrated and close the door, then start this all over again.
Me: K. Out.
- Goes back in.
- Match has players running through my bullets and knifing me.
- Sigh
Today we're celebrating Christmas with my mother, one sister, my sister in-law and nephew. My brother refuses to speak with my mom so he's staying home. This is the first time I'm seeing my mom since her sepsis hospitalization in September. I don't often wish for pharmaceuticals to deal with my problems but I'd give a paycheck for a couple of Xanax to take as I leave my house and a nice bottle of dry champagne for after leaving hers. #adulting
Plastering a laptop (especially a 2024 MacBook) with stickers is:
#WeaponisedIncompetence IS horror. It’s also culturally acceptable & highly effective, for men who live with women, & adds huge burdens of emotion work (all the rage!) to the lives of women who are already exhausted. Complain about it? You’re ‘nagging’. It’s systemic level cultural #gaslighting, & we continue to reproduce it in each generation.
We set the bar so low for men, it’s insulting. Imagine how much better the lives of kids would be if all men got their act together & took responsibility for their share of every aspect of the work involved in creating & sustaining a home. Even the ones they haven’t learned about yet. This is what #adulting looks like.
#Nightbitch sounds like a must-watch movie
Can’t-do attitude: why the real horror of Nightbitch is weaponised incompetence
After two whole days of adulting I deserve some gaming tonight.
I'm torn between:
- Aska
- Void Crew
- Roots of Pacha
Which one would you pick, gamers?
Oh hell naw, it's cold outside.
*rolls over under the weighted blanket*
Is what I'd like to say and do, but in reality I'm going to say
Where me coffee, need me some brain fuel for adulting today too